Tips to Make Autumn a Happy and Healthy Time for You and Your Pet

Realize that the nights are getting colder and make sure your outdoor pet has a warm, dry shelter that is elevated off the ground, insulated for warmth, and draft free. Add some soft, thick bedding for comfort.
Outdoor pets require extra calories to keep warm, so ask you veterinarian whether you should increase the rations slightly. With winter weather coming, now is prime time to get your pet into healthy body condition by feeding your pet a good, quality diet before he faces the stresses of inclement weather.
A frost or freeze isn't out of the question this time of year. Should temperatures plummet, remember to check your pet’s water bowl to make sure he has water and not a solid block of ice. A pet with no access to fresh water will drink from gutters and puddles that may be contaminated with antifreeze and other chemicals.
Speaking of antifreeze, it smells good and tastes sweet. It doesn’t take much to destroy a pet's kidneys. Don't allow leaky antifreeze to accumulate inside your garage or on your driveway.
Many pets are not naturally equipped to live in cold temperatures. If temperatures drop below 32ºF, bring your pet indoors into a heated environment.
Keep your pet's paws clear of salt and snow-removal chemicals. Pets tend to lick their paws. To avoid poisoning or a skin reaction, wipe the paws thoroughly, especially between the pads.
Source material for this blog article was provided by Purina Mills, Inc. © 2007

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